
Omen/All Things Considered

"I'm not big on omens but I am a big fan of gambling, as we all know. Today I just happened to notice a small blurb on the front page of the sports section which had Hillary Clinton urging people to bet on the first filly to run in the Kentucky Derby in 10 years (Eight Belles) I always like to think that the winner of the Kentucky Derby mirrors what the year has to offer (in name only). For example Man o' War [correction: War Emblem] won the Kentucky Derby during Junior Bush's first Tour of Duty. A fitting example of what we had to look forward to. And it always struck me as odd that the Patriots won their first title after 9/11, but that's a conspiracy theory best left alone.

At any rate the fact that this years runner up (Eight Belles) had to be euthanized on the track (i.e. "shot")after finishing second leaves me wondering if that is a metaphor for what Clinton has to look forward to in the coming months.

The WINNER of the Kentucky Derby was a horse by the name of 'Big Brown'. Now I'm not saying Obama needs a new nickname but Big Brown fits, right? "

- Cassady, #88
[Note: Mr. Cassady of The Fifty Grand Project will begin a four-year photo journalism program at the Academy of Art commencing in August.]