
From the Emails - Dan

Dan Writes:
Great NYT shoe story today:

"This is a gift from the Iraqis; this is the farewell kiss, you dog!"

"This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq!"

Muntader al-Zaidi

"Although that action was not expressed in a civilized manner, it showed the Iraqi feelings, which is to object to the American occupation."

Qutaiba Rajaa

"I swear by God that all Iraqis with their different nationalities are glad about this act."

Yaareb Yousif Matti

"I am proud of my brother," he said, "as all Iraqis would be."

Maythem al-Zaidi

"Everyone is proud of this man, and they're saying he did it in our name."

Ibrahim Mousawi

"Oh, heroic journalist, thank you so much for what you have done."

Damascus banner

"Free Muntader al-Zaidi!"


Actually the best quotation is misrepresented here. Yesterday when so-called "Steve" commented about the "shoe story," he typed Muntader as "Muntarder." You know with an "R" like retard or mopetard.

Thus the newest Middlespace shirt: [clicky].