
Middlespace Arts PSA: Monster from New York

[Yes, Middlespace Arts. What about it? The state of Maryland didn't really think "Middlespace Industries" conveyed what Middlespace actually does. Informally, you and I can still wink and call it Middlespace Industries of America. But officially and for lower John McCain tax purposes, it's called Middlespace Arts. Fruity but true. Anyway....]

I already mentioned this to Richey Powellcheck (so he can tune out and go back to saving all the baby creeks and opossum orphans and shit - kidding! Actually Richey's quite busy making a "really important" documentary for the Berkeley Chamber of Commerce: clicky) but goddamn if the October 20th print issue of The New Yorker isn't perhaps the Monster Issue of 2008.

[italic + bold = boltalic]

The Gladwell piece is a good hook. Since he's been so busy rolling around in his cash nowadays, he's been far and few between in terms of dropping off stories at the editor's desk (or something like that). It's a good piece but not great. But it gets you inside the 'zine (page 38). IT'S ABOUT ART AND GENIUS, DAMMIT!

Since you have the issue open, page around a bit. Forget's a handy guide you lazy mo-fos (no links here -- read the print issue only...don't even go to the website and print onto office paper, that's beat). Follow along after you read Malcolm's piece:
Ha! Goddamn! There's a John Updike piece (page 45).

There's a piece on Joe "Bust 'em up" Biden and the vice presidency (page 48).

Blah-blah-blah harshing on Sarah "American Patriot Hero Reformer Maverick" Palin in Talk of the Town (page 29).

A great Frederick Seidel poem (page 58) featuring "lesbians and kissing."

A fantastic piece about Gary Snyder and "the art of life" by Dana Goodyear on page 66. You too can become a king of leisure, people. Kidding, actually most of you can't!

Anthony Lane goes yard in The Current Cinema (page 100, and you thought Denby was the harsh one).

Lastly, hell if the feature piece, "The Omen," isn't amazing. Page 54.
There. 'Nuff said, Middlespacers. Go read your liberal pointy-head brains out all over the place. And use the iTunes/iPod/iPhone Genius feature. Duh!

Legal 'Minder: Middlespace Arts does business as Middlespace Industries of America which is a division of the Ty Hardaway Corporation PMM/BFP. Additionally, ty hardaway dot com is a division of middlespace industries of america, a Forward/Slash Management enterprise. Represent!