
Ask Ty...Election Day Special -- Update

It must be Tuesday, Middlespacers, because I'm answering your questions

Q: Ty,
In the past I've gone to bed and tried to see how long the next day I could go without finding out who was elected. It didn't work out very well in 2000. This time, no way I'm doing that.

Is it over yet? Can I open my eyes?

Dave in Florida

Ty: Good question and an even better observation, Dave. What?! No, no, no.

While even I am laying a bit low today, it's not like I'm not tuning in for anomalies (while hitting up 538 like every ten minutes). Weird, huh? Keep up to date, Dave. Enjoy the moments so you can be all nostalgic one day when your kids are all, "Aren't all presidents black like president Tiger, daddy?"

So, no. It definitely isn't over. But go ahead and open your eyes. It's gonna be OK. Live this shit.

Just a guess,



Ask Ty... Archive: [clicky]

-------------- UPDATE --------------

I totally forgot (or just remembered). "Dave in Florida" is a high roller who actually met (and touched) Barack Obama. Here's (a) proof: [clicky]