
Update on "Moustache for Science"

Because I give a rip about stuff (no matter what you might believe) and because I love a bit more than I love oxygen (which you all believe), I am actually participating in a thing. This thing is the 2010 Moustache for Science. I can and will pull this off.

Unfortunately this thing has a terrible, no good, horrible name: Movember. What?! Who picked that that name? Anyway, I am doing a thing that might somehow help someone someday.  Sue me but I know people who have had cancer and I know people who have cancer right now.  But enough of my personal context, I don't feel like opening myself up right now. I'm a vault, don, and I can grow a mean moustache.

Anyway, since you've asked for a "Movember" Moustache for Science update, I am providing. Please note, lady friends, one cannot simply make a moustchae magically appear on one's upper lip (we don't live in Harry Potter's childhood literature world). One has to beard-it-up for a while.  But once we get to nature's ripeness, we can and will harvest. Think on that....

Today's Moustache for Science update [11.19.10 in the year of our Unicorn]:

And here's a visual approximation of where I still have to get by month's end (we hired a talented, handsome, young male model from the Handsome Boy Modeling School for the gig):