Sunday, December 3, 2023 is Attic Day.
Within the Kingdom of Leisure two days have, historically, proven to be the most important of each year: Field Mowing Day and Attic Day.
It is surely documented enough at this point for no explanation to be needed or offered.
Interestingly, I tend to be the first to publicize Field Mowing Day while Arpy generally recognizes Attic Day first. Both are extremely important to the lifeblood of the community. Both are the very DNA of tKoL. The two days generally bookend the slide; one looking forward and the other looking back.
And as is tradition, here are my three offerings:
Attic Day offering 1
So many years could have killed me
Maybe should have killed me
2020 is an obvious pick but unscathed I am
The eighties stand on a podium
Others I obliviously know nothing about
There is as much surprise as awe
‘23 was heavenly highs and hellish lows
The worst and the best — a draw I suppose
Look at me now I have escaped orbit…
Defeat remains a remote concept
Wounds heal as forever scars
So much learning so much changing
And looking around there is so much
Beauty and art and thought and light
Attic Day offering 3
[customize • simplify • optimize]