
Begin: About Book Four

You have now moved a little closer to the light. Welcome to Abnormally Keen Despair; the latest addition to the Middlespace Industries of America® empire.

So here's the deal:
Burning long, cool, and slow, middlespace live had just run its course. Even I was over it. Started as an antidote to "blogging" on July 18, 2002 (and as the anti-Gabe blog) middlespace live has bounced around poetry, commentary, photography, and shit for as long as I can remember. middlespace live ran 1,491 posts. Now closed.

Burning hot and wicked, The Rhinosnort Highway was too wild of a fire since January 12, 2006 with the words, "Enjoy the show," . Mostly the art-core of middlespace, rhinosnort was the designated alt-middlespace. Rhinosnort ran 946 posts. Now closed.
And along the way audio recordings, books, podcasts (37 episodes of Priceless Banter), photographic collections, retrospectives, gigs, and assorted mayhem has ensued. But now is the time to move forward.

I do not know what to tell you to expect here nor do I make any promises. My goal was (initially) to cut out most of the opinion, ranting, and news stuff and mostly post fewer, more thoughtful art. But I've learned over the past few days that people like the opinion and ranting stuff. They also like the visual art. And the sound art. So, WTF? Maybe it's all the same old shit. We'll see what happens.

Most importantly, all my work -- opinion and art -- will be posted in this one place. All the other MOIA® "blogs" will continue to live in their present locations.

Please keep nudging. It's an interaction. In fact (for now) the comments are open (I may forget to ever read them though). I know, weird, huh? But, I may close that noise at any time. Dunno.

Anyway...I've run far too long already. Forward.