
Me - Part I

I’ve been asked to write all about me.

Whoa, that’s a difficult assignment. Where to start?

There’s the dark and convoluted chronology, from there to here – broken home rags to riches sob story. There’s the personality characteristic angle, charismatic yet standoffish, friendly yet a rude jerk. There are the arts, the journey, and the definition through relationships. There’s the published works, the happiness, the bitterness, the close calls, and place where the lies meet truths and become the “official story.” Self-righteousness meets superiority complex meets big-hearted softie. Veneer applied unevenly resulting in imperfections in skin thickness.

This is what Google says:

clicky here

No apologies, no regrets, right? Defining moments, defining events. Bridges built, bridges burned to cinders. Sorry ‘bout that…really I am.


Actor in a huge play. Genius. Artist.

End of Part 1.